Sara's Fantroll #1
SBurban Jungle :: SGRUB :: Enter Name :: Trolls
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Sara's Fantroll #1
Name: Nibroc Sideen
Race: Troll
Gender: Male
Blood Color: Harlequin
Age: 7 Solar Sweeps
Title: Knight of Life
Weapon: Spear
Planet: Land of Rain and Biscuits
Text Color: Harlequin
Strife: Spearkind
Fetch: Woofbeast
Lusus: Chihuahua
Race: Troll
Gender: Male
Blood Color: Harlequin
Age: 7 Solar Sweeps
Title: Knight of Life
Weapon: Spear
Planet: Land of Rain and Biscuits
Text Color: Harlequin
Strife: Spearkind
Fetch: Woofbeast
Lusus: Chihuahua
Re: Sara's Fantroll #1
Y0ur nam3 is NIBR0C SID33N. Y0u ar3 S3V3N SW33ps old and live in a tr33. Y0ur tiny little lusus d03sn't appr3ciat3 it, but that's what h3 g3ts f0r n0t h3lping y0u pick a l0cati0n f0r y0ur hiv3.
The o and e k3y on y0ur k3yb0ard br0k3 thr33 sweeps ago, but y0u'v3 b33n t00 lazy t0 d0 anything ab0ut it. Y0u'r3 pr0bably 0ne of th3 LAZI3ST tr0lls on Alt3rnia. M0st of y0ur tim3 is sp3nt PLAYING VID30 GAM3S or CHATTING with 0th3r tr0lls. Y0ur hiv3 is cCLUT3R3D WITH GARBAG3, DIRTY CL0TH3S, and 0LD F00D.
Y0u kn0w h0w to us3 a sp3ar, but that's 0nly b3caus3 your lusus mad3 you l3arn h0w t0 us3 it. H3 tri3d t0 t3ach y0u magic, but that's a st0ry f0r a diff3r3nt day.
Y0ur b3st (and w3irdest) quality is h0w much y0u car3 ab0ut 0th3rs. Y0ur fri3nds think it's 0dd h0w you car3 m0r3 ab0ut th3ir w3ll b3ing than y0ur 0wn. Y0u always hav3 to b3 th3 KNIGHT in shining armor. Y0u w0uld pr0bably sacrific3 y0ur 0wn LIFE f0r th0s3 you pity the m0st.
The o and e k3y on y0ur k3yb0ard br0k3 thr33 sweeps ago, but y0u'v3 b33n t00 lazy t0 d0 anything ab0ut it. Y0u'r3 pr0bably 0ne of th3 LAZI3ST tr0lls on Alt3rnia. M0st of y0ur tim3 is sp3nt PLAYING VID30 GAM3S or CHATTING with 0th3r tr0lls. Y0ur hiv3 is cCLUT3R3D WITH GARBAG3, DIRTY CL0TH3S, and 0LD F00D.
Y0u kn0w h0w to us3 a sp3ar, but that's 0nly b3caus3 your lusus mad3 you l3arn h0w t0 us3 it. H3 tri3d t0 t3ach y0u magic, but that's a st0ry f0r a diff3r3nt day.
Y0ur b3st (and w3irdest) quality is h0w much y0u car3 ab0ut 0th3rs. Y0ur fri3nds think it's 0dd h0w you car3 m0r3 ab0ut th3ir w3ll b3ing than y0ur 0wn. Y0u always hav3 to b3 th3 KNIGHT in shining armor. Y0u w0uld pr0bably sacrific3 y0ur 0wn LIFE f0r th0s3 you pity the m0st.
SBurban Jungle :: SGRUB :: Enter Name :: Trolls
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